Data & Meta-data Access

The data and meta-data access layer provides information about available BGP data. It also provides data annotations, e.g., the collection project and router that obtained the data.

We provide four data interfaces to identify BGP data available for processing:

  • BGPStream Broker, the default data interface, which provides out-out-of-the box seamless access to public Data Providers
  • Single File, a data interface that provides access to individual MRT dump files (either local or via HTTP).
  • CSV File, a pseudo-database suitable for using BGPStream with locally-available (e.g., private) data files.
  • SQLite DB, like CSV file, but meta-data is stored in an SQLite DB, providing better scalability.

BGPStream Broker

The BGPStream Broker is a web service that provides a unified query interface to retrieve streams of data from different public Data Providers (i.e., Route Views, RIPE RIS), as well as live-stream resources like RIS-Live and RouteViews BMP stream. The broker interface enables several key features of BGPStream:

  • Out-of-the-box access to Route Views and RIPE RIS data.
  • Load balancing between data archive mirrors.
  • Support for live data processing.

CAIDA operates a publicly accessible instance of the Broker that libBGPStream is configured to query by default. See the query API documentation for information about using the broker from third-party applications.


Single file allows the user to access a single local or remote (via HTTP) RIB dump and/or Update dump (similar to how the bgpdump tool operates). See BGPReader for more information about processing a single dump file.

CSV File

For users with a small set of local/private MRT dump files, the CSV file interface may be appropriate. Simply create a CSV file in the following format (with one line per file):



The following line provides the meta-data for Route Views Updates dump which is stored in a local directory. The dump was generated by the Jinx collector and contains updates in the interval 1427846400 to 1427846400 + 900 (i.e. 15 minutes worth of updates).



The SQLite interface is similar to the CSV file interface, but can be used for larger data sets, as well as providing better support for live mode (that is, updating the database with new files as they are available).

In order to facilitate the insertion of data into an SQLite database with an appropriate schema, we provide a script (tools/ that adds new dump meta-data to the database. inserts new dump's meta-data each time it is invoked, creating the database file if it does not exist.

usage: [-h] [-l] [-M ADD_MRT_FILE] [-p PROJ]
                                [-c COLL] [-t BGP_TYPE] [-T FILE_TIME]
                                [-u UPDATES_TIME_SPAN]
positional arguments:
  sqlite_db             file containing the sqlite database

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --list_files      list the mrt files in the database
  -M ADD_MRT_FILE, --add_mrt_file ADD_MRT_FILE
                        path to the mrt file to add to the database
  -p PROJ, --proj PROJ  bgp project
  -c COLL, --coll COLL  bgp collector
  -t BGP_TYPE, --bgp_type BGP_TYPE
                        bgp type
  -T FILE_TIME, --file_time FILE_TIME
                        time associated with the mrt file
  -u UPDATES_TIME_SPAN, --updates_time_span UPDATES_TIME_SPAN
                        updates time span